The book which will make Earth a better place 2100! The world’s forests can be considerable improved using seeds created in special seed orchards. How is described in:
Seed orchards
Establishment, Management and Genetics
By Kyu-Suk Kang and Nebi Bilir
The book is the first of its kind in the world. It focusses on seed orchards, while earlier books on forest tree breeding only had chapters about seed orchards. Or about special types of seed orchards or limited regions. This book has a global scope of seed orchards.
Seed orchards are in many important forest countries the major work horse to get progress of forest tree breeding out into forest. In addition, the seeds have other advantages over natural seeds. Seed orchards get less attention than other more futuristic subjects like vegetative propagation and molecular breeding, although seed orchards are often a more important tool and does not seem to be replaced in the foreseeable future.
Together with their mentor, Dag Lindgren, the authors felt that the most important vehicle to get good, cultivated forests needs global discussions. They initiated a Working Party for seed orchards at International Union of Forest Research Organisation IUFRO: 2.09.01 – Seed orchards / 2.09.00 – Tree seed, physiology and biotechnology / 2.00.00 – Physiology and Genetics with regular global seed orchard conferences starting 2007. The history of these efforts is described in the book. We considered it desirable to collect the knowledge about seed orchards in a book. Now it is finally released!
Kyu-Suk Kang is professor of forest genetics in South Korea “Kyu-Suk Kang” The book can be obtained free of charge from him for a limited number of copies. Nebi Bilir is professor of forest genetics in Turkey. “Nebi Bilir” ; A limited number of the book can be obtained from the authors. Dag Lindgren (pensionerad professor i skogsgenetik) kan skänka några kopior till adressater med svensk adress.
The book is now available as an .pdf disk. More infomation about that as well as the book related to the Swedish tree breeding / seed orchard history is available (mainly in Swedish) at Boken ”seed orchards” visar att Sverige är i världstopp för skogsträdsförädling och fröplantager | Downto2100 (